Honor Thy Father and Mother, Raising Children

Honor Thy Father and Mother, Raising Children

For your children to honor you, you must begin understanding how to raise children according to the Most High’s laws. We must start with understanding the fifth commandment in Exodus 20: 12: “Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.”
Yes this means your biological parents but we also honor our ancient fore parents by keeping the customs they kept. This commandment pertains to those laws regarding mans authority over man. This commandment has laws from which other laws stem from and are founded upon.

For example, when we get married we gain a mother and a father in law.
Tobit 10: 12 “And he said to his daughter, Honour thy father and thy mother in law, which are now thy parents, that I may hear good report of thee. And he kissed her. Edna also said to Tobias, The Lord of heaven restore thee, my dear brother, and grant that I may see thy children of my daughter Sara before I die, that I may rejoice before the Lord: behold, I commit my daughter unto thee of special trust; wherefore do not entreat her evil.”
Honor thy father and thy mother also teaches us how to love and honor the old people among us. Leviticus 19: 32: “Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD.”

The Israelite elders were also to be honored as fathers and mothers.
1 Timothy 5: 1: “Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren;2:The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity.
3:Honour widows that are widows indeed.”

Exodus 22:28 “Thou shalt not revile the gods (judges), nor curse the ruler of thy people.”

The fifth commandment of honor thy father and thy mother is also why our Israelite fore parents honored those in authority even while captive under foreign governments.
1 Peter 2:13 “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;
14:Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
15: For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men
16:As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.”
The apostle Peter warned us that just because we are God’s chosen people redeemed by the blood of Christ the Messiah were are not use our liberty (grace/mercy of the Lord) as an excuse (cloke)for malicious purposes such as attempting to overthrow and condemn governments we serve under read Acts 5:36,37.
1 Peter 2:17Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.”

Now that we have a better understanding of ‘honor your father and your mother’ let’s learn what God teaches about raising children because in order for children to honor their parents, the parents must begin by teaching them God‘s laws.
Ephesians 6: 1: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
2:Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise)
3:That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
4:And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
How do fathers provoke children to the Lord’s wrath? Teaching them lies, by not teaching them the commandments they of course will transgress and as a result suffer the punishment of the Lord. You may ask, are people punished although they don’t know the law? Romans 2:12 “For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: …”

Deuteronomy 6: 4: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
5:And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
6:And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
7:And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
As parents we must learn to love the Most High’s laws and always talk about the benefits of keeping them, this will deliver us and our children from leading a sinful life.
How often do parents immediately teach children about birthday celebrations, the tooth fairy, Christmas, Halloween, New Year’s day and many other falsehoods? Yet when it pertains to the Most High’s laws they say “wait till they get older, wait until they are able to make their own decisions” which is why our communities suffer from disease, crime and other corroding factors. Every other news channel shows our people marching and blaming society and other races for the evil and ignorance within us and our children.
The Most High has commanded us to teach our own children his laws, not man made religion.
Psalms 78: 5: “For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children:
6:That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:
7:That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments:
8:And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.”

The older women among us are also are commanded to help in raising the children because of their experience and knowledge of the law.
Titus 2: 3: “The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
4:That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,”

Today we either have repentant parents having rebellious children or repentant children with rebellious parents stuck in their evil ways. Christ warned us about such cases and we must choose the Lord and his commandments rather than our love of family.
Matthew 10: 37: “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”

What about unruly children? Our youth today dishonor their parents primarily because they come from broken and dysfunctional homes. The prophet Ezra prophesied about our troublous times in 2 Esdras 5:8 “…..and menstruous women shall bring forth monsters (evil children).” Many single parents are unable to guide them properly according to God’s commandments yet for the sake of a government check they will have more and more babies and blame society for their own shortcomings. Psalms 127:3 tells us children are a blessing and the more the better yet that is only providing we are bringing them up in the fear of the Lord‘s commandments.

Never rejoice in wicked children. How many times do you read about unrepentant children who have become rich because they’ve glorified sin and then purchase their mothers a beautiful house still living in sin and claim they honor their parents? That is not the honor the Lord requires from us, it begins with us obeying his laws.

Ecclesiasticus 16: 1: “Desire not a multitude of unprofitable children, neither delight in ungodly sons.
2:Though they multiply, rejoice not in them, except the fear of the Lord be with them.
3:Trust not thou in their life, neither respect their multitude: for one that is just is better than a thousand; and better it is to die without children, than to have them that are ungodly.”
An example of an unprofitable child is one that steals from his or her parents opposed to getting a job and thinks it’s alright.
Proverbs 28: 24: “Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, and saith, It is no transgression; the same is the companion of a destroyer.’
This child is a friend of the devil (destroyer).

Another example is the child that verbally abuses his or her parents.
Leviticus 20: 8: “And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the LORD which sanctify you.
9:For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.”

Many parents make the mistake of teaching family traditions to their children. These traditions are based upon lies often originated from the Christian church.
Matthew 15: 3: “But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
4:For God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
5: But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;
6:And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.”
This proves Christ taught the law and condemned religious traditions which were the root and cause for disobedient children.

There was a time when it was a shame for a young girl to be found pregnant and without a husband however that is a common practice today.
Pimps and playas; parents teach the girl don’t settle down while you’re young, play the field (commit adultery) try out different guys sexually and vice versa the same is told to boys regarding sex with girls. Nine times out of ten it’s the girl that suffers, she becomes pregnant while living at home, the boy leaves her and there she is bringing in a child she doesn’t have a clue on how to raise, neither can she support the child financially.

Ecclesiasticus 42: 9: “The father waketh for the daughter, when no man knoweth; and the care for her taketh away sleep: when she is young, lest she pass away the flower of her age; and being married, lest she should be hated:
Fathers are commanded to have a special care for their daughters by guiding and teaching them for several reasons: the first reason was to make she sure she didn’t become hated by her husband if while consummating the marriage he discovers she is not a virgin.
Ecclesiasticus 42: 10:In her virginity, lest she should be defiled and gotten with child in her father’s house; and having an husband, lest she should misbehave herself; and when she is married, lest she should be barren.
Next, she is NOT to have a child still living at home, neither is she to get married and misbehave herself by committing adultery, the judgment will be to have no children.
Ecclesiasticus 42:11:Keep a sure watch over a shameless daughter, lest she make thee a laughingstock to thine enemies, and a byword in the city, and a reproach among the people, and make thee ashamed before the multitude.”
A shameless daughter is a whorish daughter; she has absolutely no shame, she says and does what she wants. Here is a scriptural example of what a whorish daughter is
Ecclesiasticus 26:12 “She will open her mouth, as a thirsty traveler when he hath found a fountain, and drink of every water near her: by every hedge will she sit down, and open her quiver (vagina) against every arrow.”

How do you discipline a child in today’s society without going to jail? State law allows parents the right to administer ‘corporal punishment’; reasonable punishment without being cruel, inhuman, indifferent, bruising or killing etc. Children are not born knowing God’s laws; they have no understanding of morality or decency. These attributes must be taught, this is why King David said

Psalms 51:5 “Behold I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

All children do foolish things that are sometimes detrimental to their well being. A pop (spanking)on the side of the leg is required to let them know the seriousness of the situation and warns them not to do so again.
Proverbs 22:15 “Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.”
Proverbs 19: 18: “Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.”
Proverbs 13: 24: “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.”

Ecclesiasticus 30: 1: “He that loveth his son causeth him oft to feel the rod, that he may have joy of him in the end.
2:He that chastiseth his son shall have joy in him, and shall rejoice of him among his acquaintance.
3:He that teacheth his son grieveth the enemy: and before his friends he shall rejoice of him.
4:Though his father die, yet he is as though he were not dead: for he hath left one behind him that is like himself.
5:While he lived, he saw and rejoiced in him: and when he died, he was not sorrowful.
6:He left behind him an avenger against his enemies, and one that shall requite kindness to his friends.
7:He that maketh too much of his son shall bind up his wounds; and his bowels will be troubled at every cry.
To make too much of your child means to pamper/spoil him and to bind up his wounds is to make an excuse for his sins rather than correct him.
Ecclesiasticus 30:8:An horse not broken becometh headstrong: and a child left to himself will be wilful.
If a young horse is not trained while it’s young it will become impossible to train when it’s full grown such is the case of a child left to do what he wants.
Ecclesiasticus 30:9:Cocker thy child, and he shall make thee afraid: play with him, and he will bring thee to heaviness.
To ‘cocker and play’ means to pamper/spoil and make excuses, you’ll be sorry in the end.
Ecclesiasticus 30: 10:Laugh not with him, lest thou have sorrow with him, and lest thou gnash thy teeth in the end.
11:Give him no liberty in his youth, and wink not at his follies.
Never give your child freedom to do as he wants, to come and go as he pleases and don’t act as if you don’t see his sins whether his words or deeds; correct him immediately!
Ecclesiasticus 30: 12:Bow down his neck while he is young, and beat him on the sides while he is a child, lest he wax stubborn, and be disobedient unto thee, and so bring sorrow to thine heart13:Chastise thy son, and hold him to labour, lest his lewd behaviour be an offence unto thee.”
Spank him when necessary and give your child chores around the house to keep him occupied. If not, idleness will develop into lewd (sexually immoral) behavior.

Finally, remember, rulership and the kingdom of heaven on earth is what we shall inherit because we honor and obey the Heavenly Father by keepings his commandments in Christ. Likewise we as parents are commanded to leave our earthly children an inheritance for honoring us.

Ecclesiasticus 7: 27: “Honour thy father with thy whole heart, and forget not the sorrows of thy mother.
28:Remember that thou wast begotten of them; and how canst thou recompense them the things that they have done for thee?
2 Corinthians 12: 14: “Behold, the third time I am ready to come to you; and I will not be burdensome to you: for I seek not yours, but you: for the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children.”

Proverbs 13: 22: “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children..”

Prayer Request

Many of us have desperate needs and desires in our lives and many times we think the Heavens are closed to us and all hope is lost. However, we are here to intercede in prayer for one another, strengthen one another and encourage each other. Don’t lose hope and don’t despair.
Contact us today for a Prayer Request.


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