Bishop Yawasap
I’m Bishop Yawasap from Israel United in Christ. My goal in this truth is to be instrumental in the Lord’s vineyard and in resurrecting the true Israelites from the state of ignorance, exploitation, mental and spiritual bondage. Our people need to be led to their one true leader which is Christ. I’ve always hated the wretched condition of my people, who I know to be absolutely the greatest people to ever place their feet on this planet. To know that whenever we decide to get serious about achieving something that we as a people want and then achieve it, I realize that there is no power that can stop us. Not to mention … GOD is on OUR side.
Once we as a people realize this and return unto GOD and Christ, all of our problems end right there. So, what’s holding us back? The answer: a destroyed mind, a destroyed spirit, and unrepentantance. If I can be instrumental in restoring LIFE into my people, especially those who I am in contact with each day, then will I begin to rejoice because I see progress. Sometimes it can be a very difficult task with family and people you’ve known almost all of your life, and while trying to show them the way HOME, you may suffer some loss. It’s all worth it if you are instrumental in rescuing another soul from ignorance and mental death by which the Holy Bible refers to as the “dead Israelites”.
That would suffice my reason as to why I was born and am alive on the earth. I will never feel satisfied and completely whole until Jerusalem and the true Israelites are a praise in the earth.